Passover is my favorite holiday. I know that’s a bold statement as someone who spends all her free time covered in chametz, but it’s true. Growing up, my Passover Seders brought family from near and far together to hear the story of Moses and the exodus out of Egypt. The love and laughter were abundant, and the food was delicious.
I hope my children look back one day on their Seders with as much fondness as I had for mine. The one thing that always seemed to be missing for me (especially as a child with a huge sweet tooth) was dessert. From tinned macaroons to chocolate-covered matzah, I tried every iteration of the typical “made for Passover” dessert, but nothing ever hit the spot. Thankfully, today's supermarkets carry more inclusive ingredients, and the awareness of allergens (like gluten) has sprouted numerous alternative flours (that thankfully also happen to be Passover-friendly). Utilizing these newer ingredients with the nostalgia of the old (homemade coconut macaroons), we created a Passover lineup that is both delicious and beautiful.
The ability to offer the desserts I longed for as a child is one of my greatest points of pride since starting Simmi’s Bakehouse. We can’t tell you what it means to us to be part of your Seders. We hope our desserts are the sweet finish to an already amazing and meaningful night. From our table to yours, our door is always open for you. Welcome home and Chag Sameach!